Home Points Standings Select Point account: Overview ALL Filter: ----------- Tank Melee Priest Caster ----------- Bard Beastlord Berserker Cleric Druid Enchanter Magician Monk Necromancer Paladin Ranger Rogue Shadowknight Shaman Warrior Wizard ----------- Raidgroup Default Show inactive Show hidden ranks Show twinks LeaderboardSelect Leaderboard: ALL BardCalahan406400Sayra285800Tshuma270825Justunez240550Quickfeet139850Melodees43651Breathtaking26150Psyran8250 BeastlordEaryn348862Synthaxx193700Zantex92585Kickinkitty6900 BerserkerLitnardo345996Lobis150150Brutwocus49000Dragoconus44000Notright24900 ClericZachton453675Hofaith300800Zittoo270450Aimar241450Heppe209081Doron156600 DruidKagdessar594361Lilzak90700 EnchanterHaitomi257241Aumnydaria177000Binnen147950 MagicianNealia304000Winyanya256100Dobie9450Glafster5600Lanre4100 MonkReppy530225Mortime263800Alloran204250Zanq175050Gergg103350Ralius38850Stinkor5400Meredith5250 NecromancerTyae460450Dagmarn275776Cartic235050Noashan114400Drsolo66350Gorulak12850Dourdenn11800 PaladinMolson725950Kleitus525389Kinafe388593Holybolt98100 RangerElmindor844272Prickli625466Hotshott446650Pinvarin262310Itkovian7250 RogueMuffinstalker311400Edisdaor265900Littletroll204059Stabm84300Fubar58250 Shadow KnightXaque432800Kindiilx125600Romeeo114450Ghubuk32150Morgoths29400Gorahrn13500Vivere800 ShamanPani325800Shadira256200Isowindors121800Danwise63055Zyas1900 WarriorRavwolf738420Senwar651200Jaida590720Tuuke133550Andy132700Terryn26600Chugog6450 WizardNuelawen475550Bandeko328633 Overview Name Level Rank Status Class Type Events: TBL - StratosTBL - Empyr GeneralsTBL - DoomfireROS - Sathirs Tomb GravediggerDKP WIPE - NON RAIDINGOntimeROS - Overthere Fell FoliageROS - GorowynMigrationEOK - ChardokEOK - Chardok - QueenEOK - Chardok - PrinceEOK - KorshaEOK - DrogaEOK - LceaniumEOK - Atrebe's VaultROS - SkyfireTBM - ALLRA Bonus for new recruitsTBM - Anashti Sul, Lady of lifeTBM - Anashti Sul, Damsel of DecayTBM - Decay and WitherTBM - Vim and VigorTBL - GMMROS - Sathir's Tomb-VaultBonusEarly StartTBL - Trials of SmokeDKP Fine/PenaltyTBL - EsiantiTBL - Empyr 25th Anniversary - Inner TurmoilToV - EW1: GriklorToV - EW2: SleeperToV - GD: Restless AssaultTBL - Prince RalafinToV - ToFS1: Heart of Frozen ShadowTBL - AalishaiBonus: WaitToV - ToFS2: Til Death Do Us PartMagelo BonusToV - KD1: VindicatorEONToV - KD2: Avatar of WarBonus: Early StartTBL - MearatasToV - Velks: Seeking the SorcerorToV - ToFS3: Tserrina Syl`TorTEST RAIDPre-Order Beta RaiderCorrection/RestorationServer Outage - Balance AdjustmentCoV 1 - WW3: Zlandicar RebornCoV 2 - WW4: SontalakCoV 2 - WW5: AaryonarCoV 2 - CS1: The CrusadersCoV 3 - CS2: Defenders of the TombCoV 3 - EW1: Amalgum ArbiterCoV 3 - EW2: Vulak'AerrCoV 1 - WW1: TantorPre-ClearCoV 1 - WW2: Klandicar and the New BroodDiscord MeetingToL-1: UP - ZelnithakToL-1: UP - DoomshadeToL-1: UP - Netherbian Swarm CommanderToL-2: ME - Free the GorangaToL-2: KV - Shei VinitrasToL-2: VT - Aten Ha RaToL-3: BoA - Oubliette of LightToL-3: BF - Primal VampireToL-3: BF - Close the Gate23rd Anniversary - KC: Mad EmperorLoot AdjustmentNoS-1: PD - Insatiable An AppetiteNoS-1: SV - Pit FightNoS-1: SV - Mean StreetsNoS-2: SH - When One Door ClosesNoS-2: DS - Myconid MutinyNoS-2: DS - Dance of the DemiurgeNoS-3: DC - The Spirit FadesNoS-3: FP - The Shadows MoveNoS-3: SV - Under SiegeLS-1: Return of the KanghammerLS-1: Bidils the QuickhandLS-2: Shadow of My ShadowLS-2: The Prisoners of AnkexfenLS-2: What is it For?LS-3: The Artisan and the DruidLS-3: Heroes Are ForgedLS-3: Final FugueTOB-3: The Final BattlesTOB-1: Herald of the Outer BroodTOB-2: Silence the CannonsTOB-3: The Leviathan's HeartTOB-2: Dock of the BayTOB-2: Brood Architect HazuriCOB-3: The Control RoomTOB:3 - High Priest of the SpireTOB-1: LandingCurrent Raids (30 days) Raids (60 days) Raids (90 days) Raids (lifetime) Last Raid Aimar 123 Raider Cleric Main 241450 60% (39/65) 48% (57/120) 63% (117/186) 82% (395/479) 02.02.25 Alloran 120 Raider Monk Main 204250 85% (55/65) 83% (99/120) 81% (151/186) 84% (1528/1826) 02.05.25 Andy 125 Raider Warrior Main 132700 86% (56/65) 93% (111/120) 94% (175/186) 79% (540/682) 02.05.25 Aumnydaria 125 Raider Enchanter Main 177000 78% (51/65) 88% (106/120) 92% (172/186) 91% (607/664) 02.05.25 Bandeko 120 Leader Wizard Main 328633 100% (65/65) 96% (115/120) 94% (174/186) 92% (4345/4705) 02.05.25 Binnen 125 Raider Enchanter Main 147950 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 29% (54/186) 37% (126/343) 12.06.24 Breathtaking 125 Raider Bard Main 26150 85% (55/65) 46% (55/120) 30% (55/186) 85% (55/65) 02.05.25 Brutwocus 120 Raider Berserker Main 49000 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 8% (118/1563) 08.16.24 Calahan 120 Classleader Bard Main 406400 72% (47/65) 60% (72/120) 65% (121/186) 55% (2352/4268) 02.05.25 Cartic 125 Raider Necromancer Main 235050 94% (61/65) 93% (111/120) 81% (150/186) 78% (252/322) 02.05.25 Chugog 120 Raider Warrior Main 6450 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 10% (18/186) 10% (18/175) 12.04.24 Dagmarn 120 Classleader Necromancer Main 275776 57% (37/65) 31% (37/120) 30% (56/186) 64% (2774/4307) 02.05.25 Danwise 120 Raider Shaman Main 63055 57% (37/65) 48% (58/120) 45% (84/186) 36% (1699/4705) 02.02.25 Dobie 125 Raider Magician Main 9450 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 13% (31/245) 11.06.24 Doron 120 Raider Cleric Main 156600 52% (34/65) 45% (54/120) 32% (59/186) 27% (330/1215) 02.05.25 Dourdenn 125 Raider Necromancer Main 11800 0% (0/65) 9% (11/120) 19% (36/186) 21% (41/191) 12.15.24 Dragoconus 125 Raider Berserker Main 44000 40% (26/65) 34% (41/120) 25% (47/186) 31% (140/450) 02.05.25 Drsolo 120 Raider Necromancer Main 66350 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 27% (366/1379) 09.08.24 Earyn 125 Raider Beastlord Main 348862 86% (56/65) 93% (111/120) 95% (177/186) 90% (612/677) 02.05.25 Edisdaor 125 Raider Rogue Main 265900 85% (55/65) 86% (103/120) 82% (152/186) 88% (406/461) 02.05.25 Elmindor 120 Raider Ranger Main 844272 89% (58/65) 85% (102/120) 73% (136/186) 78% (3399/4335) 02.05.25 Fubar 125 Raider Rogue Main 58250 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 24% (126/532) 09.15.24 Gergg 120 Raider Monk Main 103350 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 56% (1751/3153) 10.30.24 Ghubuk 115 Social Member Shadow Knight Main 32150 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 12% (570/4700) 10.09.24 Glafster 125 Raider Magician Main 5600 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 3% (16/522) 08.28.24 Gorahrn 113 Raider Shadow Knight Main 13500 0% (0/65) 3% (3/120) 8% (15/186) 17% (37/224) 12.18.24 Gorulak 125 Raider Necromancer Main 12850 0% (0/65) 12% (14/120) 16% (30/186) 17% (30/173) 12.20.24 Haitomi 120 Classleader Enchanter Main 257241 6% (4/65) 21% (25/120) 33% (62/186) 57% (2685/4705) 01.10.25 Heppe 125 Raider Cleric Main 209081 17% (11/65) 32% (38/120) 41% (77/186) 35% (1601/4608) 01.19.25 Hofaith 120 Raider Cleric Main 300800 65% (42/65) 63% (76/120) 66% (123/186) 72% (1518/2095) 02.05.25 Holybolt 120 Raider Paladin Main 98100 72% (47/65) 79% (95/120) 59% (110/186) 57% (2498/4346) 02.02.25 Hotshott 120 Raider Ranger Main 446650 92% (60/65) 83% (99/120) 77% (144/186) 84% (1343/1605) 02.05.25 Isowindors 125 Raider Shaman Main 121800 92% (60/65) 83% (100/120) 85% (158/186) 73% (190/259) 02.05.25 Itkovian 124 Raider Ranger Main 7250 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 6% (20/346) 09.13.24 Jaida 120 Classleader Warrior Main 590720 43% (28/65) 67% (80/120) 68% (127/186) 86% (4069/4705) 01.19.25 Justunez 120 Raider Bard Main 240550 78% (51/65) 78% (93/120) 79% (147/186) 76% (241/317) 02.05.25 Kagdessar 120 Classleader Druid Main 594361 100% (65/65) 100% (120/120) 83% (155/186) 97% (4587/4705) 02.05.25 Kickinkitty 120 Raider Beastlord Main 6900 0% (0/65) 7% (8/120) 4% (8/186) 1% (15/1056) 12.20.24 Kinafe 120 Raider Paladin Main 388593 82% (53/65) 84% (101/120) 81% (151/186) 91% (4282/4704) 02.05.25 Kindiilx 125 Raider Shadow Knight Main 125600 72% (47/65) 85% (102/120) 75% (139/186) 74% (301/406) 01.31.25 Kleitus 120 Officer Paladin Main 525389 69% (45/65) 69% (83/120) 76% (141/186) 73% (3419/4703) 02.05.25 Lanre 125 Raider Magician Main 4100 18% (12/65) 10% (12/120) 6% (12/186) 36% (12/33) 02.02.25 Lilzak 120 Raider Druid Main 90700 97% (63/65) 73% (88/120) 56% (104/186) 64% (723/1133) 02.05.25 Litnardo 120 Raider Berserker Main 345996 92% (60/65) 90% (108/120) 87% (161/186) 69% (3251/4705) 02.05.25 Littletroll 120 Raider Rogue Main 204059 46% (30/65) 39% (47/120) 44% (82/186) 52% (2439/4705) 02.02.25 Lobis 125 Raider Berserker Main 150150 29% (19/65) 31% (37/120) 32% (60/186) 48% (239/496) 01.26.25 Melodees 120 Raider Bard Main 43651 48% (31/65) 63% (75/120) 46% (86/186) 38% (619/1627) 02.02.25 Meredith 125 Raider Monk Main 5250 9% (6/65) 5% (6/120) 3% (6/186) 43% (6/14) 02.02.25 Molson 125 Raider Paladin Main 725950 85% (55/65) 67% (80/120) 69% (129/186) 70% (3282/4704) 02.05.25 Morgoths 125 Raider Shadow Knight Main 29400 62% (40/65) 40% (48/120) 26% (48/186) 53% (48/90) 02.05.25 Mortime 125 Raider Monk Main 263800 91% (59/65) 87% (104/120) 88% (164/186) 82% (451/551) 02.05.25 Muffinstalker 125 Raider Rogue Main 311400 100% (65/65) 81% (97/120) 77% (144/186) 95% (4161/4367) 02.05.25 Nealia 123 Raider Magician Main 304000 80% (52/65) 68% (82/120) 75% (139/186) 86% (412/477) 02.02.25 Noashan 120 Raider Necromancer Main 114400 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 53% (713/1357) 09.25.24 Notright 125 Raider Berserker Main 24900 78% (51/65) 87% (104/120) 76% (141/186) 54% (2249/4201) 01.31.25 Nuelawen 120 Raider Wizard Main 475550 97% (63/65) 93% (111/120) 92% (171/186) 91% (3135/3442) 02.05.25 Pani 120 Raider Shaman Main 325800 43% (28/65) 67% (80/120) 63% (117/186) 78% (3650/4705) 01.19.25 Pinvarin 120 Raider Ranger Main 262310 42% (27/65) 35% (42/120) 31% (58/186) 34% (1588/4690) 02.05.25 Prickli 120 Raider Ranger Main 625466 58% (38/65) 68% (81/120) 72% (133/186) 63% (2940/4699) 02.02.25 Psyran 125 Raider Bard Main 8250 22% (14/65) 12% (14/120) 8% (14/186) 64% (14/22) 02.02.25 Quickfeet 118 Raider Bard Main 139850 82% (53/65) 53% (63/120) 62% (116/186) 65% (184/282) 02.05.25 Ralius 125 Raider Monk Main 38850 0% (0/65) 5% (6/120) 10% (18/186) 36% (184/505) 12.27.24 Ravwolf 120 Leader Warrior Main 738420 97% (63/65) 98% (118/120) 99% (184/186) 96% (4538/4705) 02.05.25 Reppy 125 Classleader Monk Main 530225 92% (60/65) 92% (110/120) 91% (169/186) 84% (3653/4331) 02.05.25 Romeeo 120 Raider Shadow Knight Main 114450 86% (56/65) 53% (64/120) 34% (64/186) 41% (925/2248) 02.05.25 Sayra 125 Raider Bard Main 285800 26% (17/65) 56% (67/120) 70% (130/186) 70% (382/545) 02.05.25 Senwar 125 Raider Warrior Main 651200 98% (64/65) 99% (119/120) 99% (185/186) 98% (4230/4336) 02.05.25 Shadira 125 Raider Shaman Main 256200 100% (65/65) 96% (115/120) 83% (154/186) 87% (377/432) 02.05.25 Stabm 120 Raider Rogue Main 84300 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 3% (6/186) 13% (601/4620) 12.06.24 Stinkor 125 Raider Monk Main 5400 22% (14/65) 12% (14/120) 8% (14/186) 42% (14/33) 01.31.25 Synthaxx 120 Raider Beastlord Main 193700 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 55% (721/1313) 08.30.24 Terryn 125 Raider Warrior Main 26600 48% (31/65) 33% (40/120) 25% (46/186) 10% (77/751) 01.31.25 Tshuma 125 Raider Bard Main 270825 97% (63/65) 98% (118/120) 98% (182/186) 76% (3414/4508) 02.05.25 Tuuke 125 Raider Warrior Main 133550 28% (18/65) 18% (21/120) 11% (21/186) 41% (740/1813) 02.05.25 Tyae 120 Raider Necromancer Main 460450 85% (55/65) 78% (94/120) 83% (154/186) 79% (2252/2864) 02.05.25 Vivere 125 Raider Shadow Knight Main 800 3% (2/65) 2% (2/120) 1% (2/186) 7% (2/30) 01.24.25 Winyanya 120 Raider Magician Main 256100 35% (23/65) 57% (68/120) 72% (134/186) 81% (2236/2771) 01.19.25 Xaque 120 Classleader Shadow Knight Main 432800 78% (51/65) 82% (98/120) 75% (140/186) 84% (3908/4636) 02.05.25 Zachton 120 Raider Cleric Main 453675 74% (48/65) 74% (89/120) 70% (130/186) 51% (2208/4292) 02.05.25 Zanq 125 Raider Monk Main 175050 100% (65/65) 83% (99/120) 75% (140/186) 68% (200/294) 02.05.25 Zantex 125 Classleader Beastlord Main 92585 68% (44/65) 41% (49/120) 36% (67/186) 52% (2442/4705) 02.02.25 Zittoo 120 Raider Cleric Main 270450 77% (50/65) 74% (89/120) 72% (134/186) 60% (1246/2091) 02.05.25 Zyas 125 Raider Shaman Main 1900 8% (5/65) 4% (5/120) 3% (5/186) 71% (5/7) 02.05.25 ... 83 entries found Compare characters
Standings Select Point account: Overview ALL Filter: ----------- Tank Melee Priest Caster ----------- Bard Beastlord Berserker Cleric Druid Enchanter Magician Monk Necromancer Paladin Ranger Rogue Shadowknight Shaman Warrior Wizard ----------- Raidgroup Default Show inactive Show hidden ranks Show twinks LeaderboardSelect Leaderboard: ALL BardCalahan406400Sayra285800Tshuma270825Justunez240550Quickfeet139850Melodees43651Breathtaking26150Psyran8250 BeastlordEaryn348862Synthaxx193700Zantex92585Kickinkitty6900 BerserkerLitnardo345996Lobis150150Brutwocus49000Dragoconus44000Notright24900 ClericZachton453675Hofaith300800Zittoo270450Aimar241450Heppe209081Doron156600 DruidKagdessar594361Lilzak90700 EnchanterHaitomi257241Aumnydaria177000Binnen147950 MagicianNealia304000Winyanya256100Dobie9450Glafster5600Lanre4100 MonkReppy530225Mortime263800Alloran204250Zanq175050Gergg103350Ralius38850Stinkor5400Meredith5250 NecromancerTyae460450Dagmarn275776Cartic235050Noashan114400Drsolo66350Gorulak12850Dourdenn11800 PaladinMolson725950Kleitus525389Kinafe388593Holybolt98100 RangerElmindor844272Prickli625466Hotshott446650Pinvarin262310Itkovian7250 RogueMuffinstalker311400Edisdaor265900Littletroll204059Stabm84300Fubar58250 Shadow KnightXaque432800Kindiilx125600Romeeo114450Ghubuk32150Morgoths29400Gorahrn13500Vivere800 ShamanPani325800Shadira256200Isowindors121800Danwise63055Zyas1900 WarriorRavwolf738420Senwar651200Jaida590720Tuuke133550Andy132700Terryn26600Chugog6450 WizardNuelawen475550Bandeko328633 Overview Name Level Rank Status Class Type Events: TBL - StratosTBL - Empyr GeneralsTBL - DoomfireROS - Sathirs Tomb GravediggerDKP WIPE - NON RAIDINGOntimeROS - Overthere Fell FoliageROS - GorowynMigrationEOK - ChardokEOK - Chardok - QueenEOK - Chardok - PrinceEOK - KorshaEOK - DrogaEOK - LceaniumEOK - Atrebe's VaultROS - SkyfireTBM - ALLRA Bonus for new recruitsTBM - Anashti Sul, Lady of lifeTBM - Anashti Sul, Damsel of DecayTBM - Decay and WitherTBM - Vim and VigorTBL - GMMROS - Sathir's Tomb-VaultBonusEarly StartTBL - Trials of SmokeDKP Fine/PenaltyTBL - EsiantiTBL - Empyr 25th Anniversary - Inner TurmoilToV - EW1: GriklorToV - EW2: SleeperToV - GD: Restless AssaultTBL - Prince RalafinToV - ToFS1: Heart of Frozen ShadowTBL - AalishaiBonus: WaitToV - ToFS2: Til Death Do Us PartMagelo BonusToV - KD1: VindicatorEONToV - KD2: Avatar of WarBonus: Early StartTBL - MearatasToV - Velks: Seeking the SorcerorToV - ToFS3: Tserrina Syl`TorTEST RAIDPre-Order Beta RaiderCorrection/RestorationServer Outage - Balance AdjustmentCoV 1 - WW3: Zlandicar RebornCoV 2 - WW4: SontalakCoV 2 - WW5: AaryonarCoV 2 - CS1: The CrusadersCoV 3 - CS2: Defenders of the TombCoV 3 - EW1: Amalgum ArbiterCoV 3 - EW2: Vulak'AerrCoV 1 - WW1: TantorPre-ClearCoV 1 - WW2: Klandicar and the New BroodDiscord MeetingToL-1: UP - ZelnithakToL-1: UP - DoomshadeToL-1: UP - Netherbian Swarm CommanderToL-2: ME - Free the GorangaToL-2: KV - Shei VinitrasToL-2: VT - Aten Ha RaToL-3: BoA - Oubliette of LightToL-3: BF - Primal VampireToL-3: BF - Close the Gate23rd Anniversary - KC: Mad EmperorLoot AdjustmentNoS-1: PD - Insatiable An AppetiteNoS-1: SV - Pit FightNoS-1: SV - Mean StreetsNoS-2: SH - When One Door ClosesNoS-2: DS - Myconid MutinyNoS-2: DS - Dance of the DemiurgeNoS-3: DC - The Spirit FadesNoS-3: FP - The Shadows MoveNoS-3: SV - Under SiegeLS-1: Return of the KanghammerLS-1: Bidils the QuickhandLS-2: Shadow of My ShadowLS-2: The Prisoners of AnkexfenLS-2: What is it For?LS-3: The Artisan and the DruidLS-3: Heroes Are ForgedLS-3: Final FugueTOB-3: The Final BattlesTOB-1: Herald of the Outer BroodTOB-2: Silence the CannonsTOB-3: The Leviathan's HeartTOB-2: Dock of the BayTOB-2: Brood Architect HazuriCOB-3: The Control RoomTOB:3 - High Priest of the SpireTOB-1: LandingCurrent Raids (30 days) Raids (60 days) Raids (90 days) Raids (lifetime) Last Raid Aimar 123 Raider Cleric Main 241450 60% (39/65) 48% (57/120) 63% (117/186) 82% (395/479) 02.02.25 Alloran 120 Raider Monk Main 204250 85% (55/65) 83% (99/120) 81% (151/186) 84% (1528/1826) 02.05.25 Andy 125 Raider Warrior Main 132700 86% (56/65) 93% (111/120) 94% (175/186) 79% (540/682) 02.05.25 Aumnydaria 125 Raider Enchanter Main 177000 78% (51/65) 88% (106/120) 92% (172/186) 91% (607/664) 02.05.25 Bandeko 120 Leader Wizard Main 328633 100% (65/65) 96% (115/120) 94% (174/186) 92% (4345/4705) 02.05.25 Binnen 125 Raider Enchanter Main 147950 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 29% (54/186) 37% (126/343) 12.06.24 Breathtaking 125 Raider Bard Main 26150 85% (55/65) 46% (55/120) 30% (55/186) 85% (55/65) 02.05.25 Brutwocus 120 Raider Berserker Main 49000 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 8% (118/1563) 08.16.24 Calahan 120 Classleader Bard Main 406400 72% (47/65) 60% (72/120) 65% (121/186) 55% (2352/4268) 02.05.25 Cartic 125 Raider Necromancer Main 235050 94% (61/65) 93% (111/120) 81% (150/186) 78% (252/322) 02.05.25 Chugog 120 Raider Warrior Main 6450 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 10% (18/186) 10% (18/175) 12.04.24 Dagmarn 120 Classleader Necromancer Main 275776 57% (37/65) 31% (37/120) 30% (56/186) 64% (2774/4307) 02.05.25 Danwise 120 Raider Shaman Main 63055 57% (37/65) 48% (58/120) 45% (84/186) 36% (1699/4705) 02.02.25 Dobie 125 Raider Magician Main 9450 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 13% (31/245) 11.06.24 Doron 120 Raider Cleric Main 156600 52% (34/65) 45% (54/120) 32% (59/186) 27% (330/1215) 02.05.25 Dourdenn 125 Raider Necromancer Main 11800 0% (0/65) 9% (11/120) 19% (36/186) 21% (41/191) 12.15.24 Dragoconus 125 Raider Berserker Main 44000 40% (26/65) 34% (41/120) 25% (47/186) 31% (140/450) 02.05.25 Drsolo 120 Raider Necromancer Main 66350 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 27% (366/1379) 09.08.24 Earyn 125 Raider Beastlord Main 348862 86% (56/65) 93% (111/120) 95% (177/186) 90% (612/677) 02.05.25 Edisdaor 125 Raider Rogue Main 265900 85% (55/65) 86% (103/120) 82% (152/186) 88% (406/461) 02.05.25 Elmindor 120 Raider Ranger Main 844272 89% (58/65) 85% (102/120) 73% (136/186) 78% (3399/4335) 02.05.25 Fubar 125 Raider Rogue Main 58250 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 24% (126/532) 09.15.24 Gergg 120 Raider Monk Main 103350 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 56% (1751/3153) 10.30.24 Ghubuk 115 Social Member Shadow Knight Main 32150 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 12% (570/4700) 10.09.24 Glafster 125 Raider Magician Main 5600 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 3% (16/522) 08.28.24 Gorahrn 113 Raider Shadow Knight Main 13500 0% (0/65) 3% (3/120) 8% (15/186) 17% (37/224) 12.18.24 Gorulak 125 Raider Necromancer Main 12850 0% (0/65) 12% (14/120) 16% (30/186) 17% (30/173) 12.20.24 Haitomi 120 Classleader Enchanter Main 257241 6% (4/65) 21% (25/120) 33% (62/186) 57% (2685/4705) 01.10.25 Heppe 125 Raider Cleric Main 209081 17% (11/65) 32% (38/120) 41% (77/186) 35% (1601/4608) 01.19.25 Hofaith 120 Raider Cleric Main 300800 65% (42/65) 63% (76/120) 66% (123/186) 72% (1518/2095) 02.05.25 Holybolt 120 Raider Paladin Main 98100 72% (47/65) 79% (95/120) 59% (110/186) 57% (2498/4346) 02.02.25 Hotshott 120 Raider Ranger Main 446650 92% (60/65) 83% (99/120) 77% (144/186) 84% (1343/1605) 02.05.25 Isowindors 125 Raider Shaman Main 121800 92% (60/65) 83% (100/120) 85% (158/186) 73% (190/259) 02.05.25 Itkovian 124 Raider Ranger Main 7250 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 6% (20/346) 09.13.24 Jaida 120 Classleader Warrior Main 590720 43% (28/65) 67% (80/120) 68% (127/186) 86% (4069/4705) 01.19.25 Justunez 120 Raider Bard Main 240550 78% (51/65) 78% (93/120) 79% (147/186) 76% (241/317) 02.05.25 Kagdessar 120 Classleader Druid Main 594361 100% (65/65) 100% (120/120) 83% (155/186) 97% (4587/4705) 02.05.25 Kickinkitty 120 Raider Beastlord Main 6900 0% (0/65) 7% (8/120) 4% (8/186) 1% (15/1056) 12.20.24 Kinafe 120 Raider Paladin Main 388593 82% (53/65) 84% (101/120) 81% (151/186) 91% (4282/4704) 02.05.25 Kindiilx 125 Raider Shadow Knight Main 125600 72% (47/65) 85% (102/120) 75% (139/186) 74% (301/406) 01.31.25 Kleitus 120 Officer Paladin Main 525389 69% (45/65) 69% (83/120) 76% (141/186) 73% (3419/4703) 02.05.25 Lanre 125 Raider Magician Main 4100 18% (12/65) 10% (12/120) 6% (12/186) 36% (12/33) 02.02.25 Lilzak 120 Raider Druid Main 90700 97% (63/65) 73% (88/120) 56% (104/186) 64% (723/1133) 02.05.25 Litnardo 120 Raider Berserker Main 345996 92% (60/65) 90% (108/120) 87% (161/186) 69% (3251/4705) 02.05.25 Littletroll 120 Raider Rogue Main 204059 46% (30/65) 39% (47/120) 44% (82/186) 52% (2439/4705) 02.02.25 Lobis 125 Raider Berserker Main 150150 29% (19/65) 31% (37/120) 32% (60/186) 48% (239/496) 01.26.25 Melodees 120 Raider Bard Main 43651 48% (31/65) 63% (75/120) 46% (86/186) 38% (619/1627) 02.02.25 Meredith 125 Raider Monk Main 5250 9% (6/65) 5% (6/120) 3% (6/186) 43% (6/14) 02.02.25 Molson 125 Raider Paladin Main 725950 85% (55/65) 67% (80/120) 69% (129/186) 70% (3282/4704) 02.05.25 Morgoths 125 Raider Shadow Knight Main 29400 62% (40/65) 40% (48/120) 26% (48/186) 53% (48/90) 02.05.25 Mortime 125 Raider Monk Main 263800 91% (59/65) 87% (104/120) 88% (164/186) 82% (451/551) 02.05.25 Muffinstalker 125 Raider Rogue Main 311400 100% (65/65) 81% (97/120) 77% (144/186) 95% (4161/4367) 02.05.25 Nealia 123 Raider Magician Main 304000 80% (52/65) 68% (82/120) 75% (139/186) 86% (412/477) 02.02.25 Noashan 120 Raider Necromancer Main 114400 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 53% (713/1357) 09.25.24 Notright 125 Raider Berserker Main 24900 78% (51/65) 87% (104/120) 76% (141/186) 54% (2249/4201) 01.31.25 Nuelawen 120 Raider Wizard Main 475550 97% (63/65) 93% (111/120) 92% (171/186) 91% (3135/3442) 02.05.25 Pani 120 Raider Shaman Main 325800 43% (28/65) 67% (80/120) 63% (117/186) 78% (3650/4705) 01.19.25 Pinvarin 120 Raider Ranger Main 262310 42% (27/65) 35% (42/120) 31% (58/186) 34% (1588/4690) 02.05.25 Prickli 120 Raider Ranger Main 625466 58% (38/65) 68% (81/120) 72% (133/186) 63% (2940/4699) 02.02.25 Psyran 125 Raider Bard Main 8250 22% (14/65) 12% (14/120) 8% (14/186) 64% (14/22) 02.02.25 Quickfeet 118 Raider Bard Main 139850 82% (53/65) 53% (63/120) 62% (116/186) 65% (184/282) 02.05.25 Ralius 125 Raider Monk Main 38850 0% (0/65) 5% (6/120) 10% (18/186) 36% (184/505) 12.27.24 Ravwolf 120 Leader Warrior Main 738420 97% (63/65) 98% (118/120) 99% (184/186) 96% (4538/4705) 02.05.25 Reppy 125 Classleader Monk Main 530225 92% (60/65) 92% (110/120) 91% (169/186) 84% (3653/4331) 02.05.25 Romeeo 120 Raider Shadow Knight Main 114450 86% (56/65) 53% (64/120) 34% (64/186) 41% (925/2248) 02.05.25 Sayra 125 Raider Bard Main 285800 26% (17/65) 56% (67/120) 70% (130/186) 70% (382/545) 02.05.25 Senwar 125 Raider Warrior Main 651200 98% (64/65) 99% (119/120) 99% (185/186) 98% (4230/4336) 02.05.25 Shadira 125 Raider Shaman Main 256200 100% (65/65) 96% (115/120) 83% (154/186) 87% (377/432) 02.05.25 Stabm 120 Raider Rogue Main 84300 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 3% (6/186) 13% (601/4620) 12.06.24 Stinkor 125 Raider Monk Main 5400 22% (14/65) 12% (14/120) 8% (14/186) 42% (14/33) 01.31.25 Synthaxx 120 Raider Beastlord Main 193700 0% (0/65) 0% (0/120) 0% (0/186) 55% (721/1313) 08.30.24 Terryn 125 Raider Warrior Main 26600 48% (31/65) 33% (40/120) 25% (46/186) 10% (77/751) 01.31.25 Tshuma 125 Raider Bard Main 270825 97% (63/65) 98% (118/120) 98% (182/186) 76% (3414/4508) 02.05.25 Tuuke 125 Raider Warrior Main 133550 28% (18/65) 18% (21/120) 11% (21/186) 41% (740/1813) 02.05.25 Tyae 120 Raider Necromancer Main 460450 85% (55/65) 78% (94/120) 83% (154/186) 79% (2252/2864) 02.05.25 Vivere 125 Raider Shadow Knight Main 800 3% (2/65) 2% (2/120) 1% (2/186) 7% (2/30) 01.24.25 Winyanya 120 Raider Magician Main 256100 35% (23/65) 57% (68/120) 72% (134/186) 81% (2236/2771) 01.19.25 Xaque 120 Classleader Shadow Knight Main 432800 78% (51/65) 82% (98/120) 75% (140/186) 84% (3908/4636) 02.05.25 Zachton 120 Raider Cleric Main 453675 74% (48/65) 74% (89/120) 70% (130/186) 51% (2208/4292) 02.05.25 Zanq 125 Raider Monk Main 175050 100% (65/65) 83% (99/120) 75% (140/186) 68% (200/294) 02.05.25 Zantex 125 Classleader Beastlord Main 92585 68% (44/65) 41% (49/120) 36% (67/186) 52% (2442/4705) 02.02.25 Zittoo 120 Raider Cleric Main 270450 77% (50/65) 74% (89/120) 72% (134/186) 60% (1246/2091) 02.05.25 Zyas 125 Raider Shaman Main 1900 8% (5/65) 4% (5/120) 3% (5/186) 71% (5/7) 02.05.25 ... 83 entries found Compare characters