• Wednesday, February 12, 2025 02:41

LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer



Date Name Note Value
01.24.25 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
01.12.25 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
01.01.25 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
12.20.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win 300
12.13.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
12.06.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
11.22.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
11.10.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win 300
10.30.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
10.25.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
10.16.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
10.09.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
10.06.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
09.27.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
09.22.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
09.13.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
09.08.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
08.30.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
08.23.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
08.18.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
08.07.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
08.02.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
07.24.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
07.17.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
07.12.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
07.07.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
06.28.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
06.21.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
06.12.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
06.05.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win 300
05.29.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
05.22.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
05.17.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
05.10.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
05.01.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
04.24.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win - zone crash no chest 300
04.19.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
04.19.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Wipe #1 150
04.10.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
04.03.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
03.29.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
03.24.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win 300
03.13.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
03.08.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
03.01.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
02.21.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
02.16.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
02.07.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
01.31.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
01.24.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
01.24.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Trying for achievement, reset 150
01.17.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer win 300
01.12.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! 300
01.07.24 LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer Win! FTK Bonus 1300
... 54 entries found


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
01.24.25 Zanq ALL SPELLS LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
01.24.25 Andy Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
01.24.25 Terryn icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
01.24.25 Dragoconus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.24.25 Ravwolf icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
01.24.25 Kindiilx icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
01.24.25 Terryn icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
01.24.25 Aumnydaria icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
01.24.25 Hotshott icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
01.12.25 Ravwolf icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
01.12.25 Alloran icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
01.12.25 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.12.25 Ravwolf Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 6000
01.12.25 Lobis icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
01.12.25 Item Rotted icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
01.12.25 Lobis ALL SPELLS LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
01.01.25 Alloran icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.01.25 Litnardo icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.01.25 Ravwolf icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.01.25 Melodees icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.01.25 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
01.01.25 Tshuma icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.01.25 Ravwolf icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
01.01.25 Tshuma icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
12.20.24 Andy icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
12.20.24 Hotshott icon Valiant Hand Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
12.20.24 Melodees icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.20.24 Item Rotted icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
12.20.24 Aumnydaria icon Valiant Charm Polishing Cloth LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 8000
12.20.24 Melodees icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3200
12.20.24 Melodees icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
12.20.24 Haitomi icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.20.24 Notright icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.13.24 Zittoo icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
12.13.24 Willace icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
12.13.24 Melodees icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
12.13.24 Dragoconus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.13.24 Dragoconus Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.13.24 Earyn icon Valiant Mask Fastener LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 9000
12.13.24 Heppe icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
12.13.24 Dragoconus icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.13.24 Zittoo icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.06.24 Litnardo ALL SPELLS LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
12.06.24 Justunez icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
12.06.24 Stabm icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2600
12.06.24 Pani icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2600
12.06.24 Heppe icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
12.06.24 Zittoo Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
12.06.24 Melodees icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
11.22.24 Item Rotted icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
11.22.24 Aumnydaria icon Valiant Mask Fastener LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
11.22.24 Isowindors icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
11.22.24 Andy icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
11.22.24 Mortime icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
11.22.24 Hofaith Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
11.22.24 Litnardo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
11.22.24 Ravwolf icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.22.24 Ravwolf icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
11.22.24 Andy ALL SPELLS LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.10.24 Lobis icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.10.24 Notright icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 11000
11.10.24 Senwar icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
11.10.24 Willace icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
11.10.24 Ravwolf icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
11.10.24 Nuelawen icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
11.10.24 Danwise Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.10.24 Isowindors Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.10.24 Mortime icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
11.10.24 Ralius icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
11.10.24 Pinvarin Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 15000
11.10.24 Tyae icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
11.10.24 Danwise icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.10.24 Tyae icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
11.10.24 Tshuma icon Valiant Shield Enarmes LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
10.30.24 Kinafe icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
10.30.24 Alloran icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
10.30.24 Muffinstalker icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
10.30.24 Alloran icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
10.30.24 Tshuma icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
10.30.24 Aumnydaria icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
10.30.24 Tyae icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.30.24 Mortime icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.25.24 Litnardo ALL SPELLS LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
10.25.24 Melodees icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
10.25.24 Tyae icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.25.24 Item Rotted icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
10.25.24 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
10.25.24 Willace icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
10.25.24 Tyae icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.25.24 Holybolt icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.16.24 Stabm icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
10.16.24 Stabm icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 25000
10.16.24 Senwar icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
10.16.24 Item Rotted icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
10.16.24 Stabm icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.16.24 Nuelawen icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.16.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
10.16.24 Ravwolf icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
10.16.24 Willace icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.16.24 Willace icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.09.24 Item Rotted icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
10.09.24 Heppe icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
10.09.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.09.24 Shadira icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.09.24 Item Rotted icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
10.09.24 Willace icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.09.24 Aumnydaria icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.09.24 Aumnydaria icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
10.09.24 Item Rotted icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
10.09.24 Ghubuk icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.09.24 Kindiilx icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.09.24 Bandeko icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Mortime icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
10.06.24 Ralius icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Mortime icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Ralius icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Mortime icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Ralius icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Zachton icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Ralius icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Heppe icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 22000
10.06.24 Nuelawen icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 22000
10.06.24 Shadira icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Mortime icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Aimar icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 7000
10.06.24 Kindiilx icon Valiant String Serving LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Melodees icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Lobis icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
10.06.24 Ralius icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
10.06.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Xaque icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Item Rotted icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
09.27.24 Notright icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Stabm icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Item Rotted icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
09.27.24 Edisdaor icon Valiant Earring Clasp LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
09.27.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.27.24 Xaque icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.27.24 Earyn icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Kagdessar icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Earyn icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Kagdessar icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Xaque icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.27.24 Aumnydaria icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
09.22.24 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
09.22.24 Pinvarin icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.22.24 Ravwolf icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
09.22.24 Senwar icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
09.22.24 Senwar icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
09.22.24 Willace icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.22.24 Muffinstalker icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.22.24 Willace icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.22.24 Mortime icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.22.24 Mortime icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.22.24 Noashan icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.22.24 Ravwolf icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
09.22.24 Ravwolf icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
09.22.24 Haitomi icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 20
09.13.24 Dragoconus icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.13.24 Item Rotted icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
09.13.24 Item Rotted icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
09.13.24 Item Rotted icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
09.13.24 Willace icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
09.13.24 Noashan icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.13.24 Notright icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.13.24 Kleitus icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.13.24 Kleitus icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.13.24 Noashan icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.13.24 Lilzak icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.08.24 Hofaith icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
09.08.24 Zittoo Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
09.08.24 Willace icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.08.24 Willace icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.08.24 Noashan icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
09.08.24 Heppe icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.08.24 Zachton icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
09.08.24 Lobis icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
09.08.24 Aumnydaria icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
09.08.24 Zittoo icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1100
09.08.24 Hofaith icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1100
09.08.24 Edisdaor icon Valiant Necklace Clasp LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
09.08.24 Noashan icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
08.30.24 Aumnydaria icon Valiant Ring Polishing Cloth LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 8000
08.30.24 Kleitus icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.30.24 Item Rotted icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
08.30.24 Synthaxx icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
08.30.24 Synthaxx Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.30.24 Synthaxx icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.30.24 Alloran icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
08.30.24 Nealia icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Ravwolf icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
08.23.24 Synthaxx icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Edisdaor icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Item Rotted icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
08.23.24 Ralius icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Synthaxx icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Ralius icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Synthaxx icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.23.24 Aimar icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
08.23.24 Nealia icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
08.23.24 Edisdaor icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.18.24 Item Rotted icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
08.18.24 Mortime icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
08.18.24 Xaque icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
08.18.24 Dragoconus icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
08.18.24 Dragoconus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.18.24 Edisdaor icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.18.24 Notright icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.18.24 Alloran icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.18.24 Hofaith icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.18.24 Alloran icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.18.24 Aumnydaria icon Valiant Feet Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 12000
08.18.24 Aumnydaria icon Valiant Shield Enarmes LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1800
08.07.24 Willace icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
08.07.24 Mortime icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Mortime icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Dragoconus icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Zittoo icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Zittoo icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Haitomi icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Haitomi icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Dragoconus icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Haitomi icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Kleitus icon Valiant String Serving LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Litnardo icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
08.07.24 Reppy icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 20000
08.07.24 Dragoconus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.07.24 Dragoconus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Senwar icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Senwar icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Ravwolf icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
08.02.24 Hotshott icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 25000
08.02.24 Aimar icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
08.02.24 Elmindor icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Senwar icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Willace icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Alloran icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
08.02.24 Item Rotted icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
08.02.24 Jaida icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Synthaxx icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
08.02.24 Synthaxx icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Hotshott icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Zachton icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Andy icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Jaida icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 19000
07.24.24 Litnardo icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
07.24.24 Aumnydaria Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Tuuke icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Ravwolf icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Zantex icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Andy icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Mortime icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
07.24.24 Andy icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 12000
07.24.24 Litnardo icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Pani icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.24.24 Ralius icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
07.17.24 Tuuke icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Alloran icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Tuuke icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Andy icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Alloran icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
07.17.24 Mortime icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Alloran icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Litnardo icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Mortime icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
07.17.24 Hofaith icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Pani icon Valiant Earring Clasp LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 27000
07.17.24 Willace icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
07.17.24 Bjjorn icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Quicksilvers icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Bjjorn icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Zittoo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.17.24 Willace icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
07.17.24 Senwar icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 20000
07.12.24 Gergg icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 900
07.12.24 Gergg icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Gergg icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
07.12.24 Zittoo icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
07.12.24 Noashan icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 900
07.12.24 Gergg icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 900
07.12.24 Bjjorn icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Bjjorn icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Ravwolf icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 25000
07.12.24 Notright icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Notright icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Kleitus icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Hofaith icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
07.12.24 Tuuke icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Aumnydaria icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.12.24 Bjjorn icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
07.07.24 Tyae icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1600
07.07.24 Kleitus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Bjjorn icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
07.07.24 Ravwolf icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
07.07.24 Willace icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
07.07.24 Zantex icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Haitomi icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Haitomi icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Zantex icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Haitomi icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Noashan icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Molson icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Willace icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
07.07.24 Kagdessar icon Valiant Earring Clasp LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 20000
07.07.24 Mortime icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
07.07.24 Zantex icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
07.07.24 Kagdessar icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Fubar icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Synthaxx icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Glaicer icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Senwar icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
06.28.24 Synthaxx icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Willace icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Molson icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Earyn icon Valiant Chest Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 26000
06.28.24 Synthaxx icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Fubar Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Gergg icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.28.24 Bjjorn icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
06.21.24 Andy icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Bandeko icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Bandeko icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Hofaith icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Andy icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Romeeo icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Holybolt icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
06.21.24 Danwise icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
06.21.24 Andy icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
06.21.24 Danwise icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
06.21.24 Kinafe icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 20000
06.21.24 Andy icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 15000
06.21.24 Aumnydaria icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Andy icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Glaicer icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.21.24 Gergg icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
06.21.24 Glaicer icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5100
06.21.24 Zittoo icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.12.24 Heppe icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
06.12.24 Tshuma icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 15000
06.12.24 Eowien icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
06.12.24 Aumnydaria icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
06.12.24 Danwise icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
06.12.24 Glaicer icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
06.12.24 Danwise icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
06.12.24 Glaicer icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.12.24 Danwise icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
06.12.24 Notright icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.12.24 Reppy icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 40000
06.12.24 Earyn icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
06.12.24 Hotshott icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
06.12.24 Heppe icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
06.12.24 Tshuma icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 15000
06.05.24 Xaque icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
06.05.24 Zachton icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
06.05.24 Andy icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.05.24 Andy icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.05.24 Bjjorn icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
06.05.24 Aumnydaria icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
06.05.24 Heppe icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.05.24 Heppe icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
06.05.24 Bjjorn icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
06.05.24 Aumnydaria icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
06.05.24 Holybolt icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
06.05.24 Bjjorn icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
06.05.24 Aumnydaria icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
06.05.24 Aumnydaria icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.05.24 Elmindor icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.05.24 Haitomi icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.05.24 Notright icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
06.05.24 Kagdessar icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 25000
06.05.24 Holybolt icon Valiant Chest Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 26000
05.29.24 Romeeo icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
05.29.24 Gergg icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
05.29.24 Aumnydaria icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.29.24 Danwise icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
05.29.24 Molson icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.29.24 Synthaxx icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.29.24 Earyn icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.29.24 Danwise icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
05.29.24 Kagdessar icon Valiant Feet Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 25000
05.22.24 Zachton icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
05.22.24 Zachton icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.22.24 Litnardo icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.22.24 Tyae Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.22.24 Bjjorn icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.22.24 Calahan icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.22.24 Lilzak icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
05.22.24 Dagmarn icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
05.22.24 Pinvarin icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.22.24 Calahan icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.17.24 Bandeko icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 23000
05.17.24 Yyevil icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.17.24 Kagdessar icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.17.24 Seiraa icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 700
05.17.24 Synthaxx icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 700
05.17.24 Yyevil icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 700
05.17.24 Waitfor icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
05.17.24 Nomado icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
05.17.24 Zittoo icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 6500
05.17.24 Zittoo icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.10.24 Zittoo icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
05.10.24 Gergg icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 8000
05.10.24 Bjjorn icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.10.24 Jaida icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
05.10.24 Kinafe icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
05.10.24 Synthaxx icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.10.24 Kagdessar icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
05.01.24 Kagdessar icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.01.24 Pani icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
05.01.24 Molson icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
05.01.24 Romeeo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
05.01.24 Romeeo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
05.01.24 Seiraa icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
05.01.24 Danwise icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
04.19.24 Holybolt icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
04.19.24 Pani icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 700
04.19.24 Nuelawen icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 700
04.19.24 Jaida icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
04.19.24 Molson icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
04.19.24 Bjjorn icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
04.19.24 Lilzak icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
04.19.24 Synthaxx icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
04.10.24 Dagmarn icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
04.10.24 Kinafe icon Valiant Ring Polishing Cloth LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 15000
04.10.24 Kagdessar icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1700
04.10.24 Tuuke icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
04.10.24 Litnardo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
04.10.24 Lilzak icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
04.10.24 Tyae icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
04.03.24 Synthaxx icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 6000
04.03.24 Tuuke icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
04.03.24 Tuuke icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
04.03.24 Noashan Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
04.03.24 Willace icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
04.03.24 Littletroll icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
04.03.24 Alloran icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
04.03.24 Tshuma icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
04.03.24 Noashan icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
03.29.24 Kagdessar icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1100
03.29.24 Lilzak icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 100
03.29.24 Calahan icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 27000
03.29.24 Winyanya icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
03.29.24 Litnardo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
03.29.24 Kinafe icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
03.29.24 Winyanya icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
03.29.24 Xaque icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2200
03.24.24 Dakkath icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
03.24.24 Bandeko icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 17500
03.24.24 Zachton icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
03.24.24 Tyae icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.24.24 Pani icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
03.24.24 Zachton icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
03.24.24 Yyevil icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
03.24.24 Litnardo Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
03.13.24 Littletroll icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.13.24 Xaque icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
03.13.24 Pani icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
03.13.24 Calahan icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 700
03.13.24 Zachton icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
03.13.24 Tshuma icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.13.24 Zantex icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.13.24 Haitomi icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.13.24 Muffinstalker icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
03.08.24 Haitomi icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.08.24 Melodees icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
03.08.24 Zittoo icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
03.08.24 Leadvocals icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
03.08.24 Jaida icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
03.08.24 Notright icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
03.08.24 Kinafe icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
03.08.24 Ravwolf icon Valiant Belt Buckle LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 40000
03.08.24 Xaque icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 7000
03.08.24 Tshuma icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2200
03.01.24 Senwar icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.01.24 Muffinstalker icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1900
03.01.24 Muffinstalker icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1900
03.01.24 Bandeko icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1900
03.01.24 Reppy icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
03.01.24 Xaque icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
03.01.24 Senwar icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
03.01.24 Synthaxx Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
03.01.24 Ravwolf icon Valiant Cloak Fastener LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 40000
03.01.24 Melodees icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3500
03.01.24 Tshuma icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3200
03.01.24 Calahan icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 83000
02.21.24 Melodees icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 900
02.21.24 Melodees icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
02.21.24 Lilzak icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 100
02.21.24 Melodees icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 900
02.21.24 Elmindor icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
02.21.24 Tshuma icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
02.16.24 Tyae icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
02.16.24 Noashan icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
02.16.24 Gergg icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
02.16.24 Noashan icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
02.16.24 Winyanya icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3500
02.16.24 Lilzak icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 100
02.16.24 Synthaxx icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
02.16.24 Nuelawen icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
02.16.24 Melodees icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
02.16.24 Tshuma icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2500
02.07.24 Bandeko icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
02.07.24 Bandeko icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2200
02.07.24 Noashan icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4500
02.07.24 Winyanya icon Chlorophyll Loop LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 4000
02.07.24 Zantex icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2200
02.07.24 Kleitus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2200
01.31.24 Kleitus icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
01.31.24 Dakkath icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5500
01.31.24 Noashan icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
01.31.24 Noashan icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.31.24 Lilzak icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 24000
01.31.24 Littletroll icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
01.31.24 Muffinstalker icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 132000
01.24.24 Ravwolf icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
01.24.24 Winyanya icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
01.24.24 Nuelawen icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3500
01.24.24 Melodees icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
01.24.24 Pani icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 16000
01.24.24 Pani icon Valiant Ring Polishing Cloth LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 18000
01.24.24 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
01.24.24 Melodees Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
01.17.24 Jaida icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
01.17.24 Noashan icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 8000
01.17.24 Dakkath icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.17.24 Ravwolf icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
01.17.24 Bandeko icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
01.17.24 Kobserker icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 7000
01.17.24 Alloran icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 15000
01.17.24 Notright icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 140000
01.12.24 Waitfor icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.12.24 Noashan icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.12.24 Kinafe icon Lesser Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
01.12.24 Willace icon Median Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.12.24 Bandeko icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.12.24 Lilzak icon Elddar Overcloak LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 3000
01.12.24 Leadvocals icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
01.12.24 Alloran icon Valiant Charm Polishing Cloth LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 10000
01.12.24 Noashan icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
01.12.24 Zantex icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
01.12.24 Synthaxx icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
01.12.24 Pani icon Elddar Cinch LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
01.07.24 Littletroll icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.07.24 Willace icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.07.24 Littletroll icon Minor Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 500
01.07.24 Alloran icon Greater Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.07.24 Willace icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1500
01.07.24 Littletroll icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 30000
01.07.24 Zantex icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1200
01.07.24 Leadvocals icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
01.07.24 Zantex icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
01.07.24 Nnewg icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 5000
... 554 entries found


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