• Thursday, February 6, 2025 11:23

TBL - Doomfire



Date Name Note Value
05.17.20 TBL - Doomfire 300
04.19.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
03.22.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
03.13.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
03.08.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
02.28.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
02.23.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
02.05.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
01.26.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
01.15.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
01.10.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
01.01.20 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
12.27.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
12.13.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
12.08.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
12.01.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 300
11.22.19 TBL - Doomfire General Reparm 300
11.13.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
11.08.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
11.03.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
11.03.19 TBL - Doomfire WIPE 100
10.30.19 TBL - Doomfire wipe 100
10.30.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 2 , EON Bonus for late stay 650
10.30.19 TBL - Doomfire GUARDIAN 200
10.23.19 TBL - Doomfire plus EON 400
10.23.19 TBL - Doomfire wipe 100
10.23.19 TBL - Doomfire Plane of Fire - Guardian 100
10.16.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
10.11.19 TBL - Doomfire EON 300
10.11.19 TBL - Doomfire Guardian of Doomfire 200
10.11.19 TBL - Doomfire Clearing 200
10.09.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe + End of Night 450
10.09.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
10.06.19 TBL - Doomfire 500 bunous 700
10.06.19 TBL - Doomfire wipe-Bonus for not giving up 500 600
10.02.19 TBL - Doomfire Bonus 8200
09.27.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
09.27.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 100
09.22.19 TBL - Doomfire EON 200
09.22.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 100
09.20.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe + EON 100
09.20.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 100
09.11.19 TBL - Doomfire EON 300
09.11.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 2 100
09.11.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 100
09.06.19 TBL - Doomfire EON 2100
08.30.19 TBL - Doomfire 200
08.21.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
08.21.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 100
08.14.19 TBL - Doomfire Win 200
08.14.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 200
08.09.19 TBL - Doomfire Win + EoN 200
08.04.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
07.31.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 2 + EON 200
07.31.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 200
07.26.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe + EON 200
07.21.19 TBL - Doomfire First of kind kill + eon 4100
07.21.19 TBL - Doomfire wipe 100
07.19.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 200
07.19.19 TBL - Doomfire Wipe 2 + EON 300
06.29.19 TBL - Doomfire unknown boss 200
06.21.19 TBL - Doomfire Augs 200
06.02.19 TBL - Doomfire wipe and end of night 600
06.02.19 TBL - Doomfire wipe 100
04.18.19 TBL - Doomfire End of Night 100
04.18.19 TBL - Doomfire General Reparm Wipe 2 + Bonus 1000
04.18.19 TBL - Doomfire General Reparm Wipe 1 400
04.18.19 TBL - Doomfire Guardian of Doomfire 200
04.18.19 TBL - Doomfire Ontime 200
... 69 entries found


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
05.17.20 Unclestwin icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 200
05.17.20 Zodak icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Head Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 200
05.17.20 Matdc icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Chest Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 1500
05.17.20 Lothaire icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 500
04.19.20 Danwise icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 1500
04.19.20 Senwar icon Servant's Mask TBL - Doomfire default 200
03.22.20 Pacothic icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 500
03.13.20 Savidlin icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
03.13.20 Muffinstalker icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
03.13.20 Stabm icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
03.13.20 Dagmarn icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 6100
03.13.20 Holybolt icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 200
03.13.20 Holybolt icon Servant's Mask TBL - Doomfire default 1200
03.08.20 Littletroll icon Black Battleworn Sporran TBL - Doomfire default 800
03.08.20 Tshuma icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 6700
03.08.20 Senwar icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 400
03.08.20 Tshuma icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
03.08.20 Kleitus icon Servant's Mask TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.28.20 Zodak icon Minor Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.28.20 Kinafe icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 5000
02.28.20 Reppy icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 5000
02.28.20 Holybolt icon Tongue of Pyronis TBL - Doomfire default 6000
02.23.20 Haitomi icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 9000
02.23.20 Reppy icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 9000
02.23.20 Pacothic icon Black Battleworn Sporran TBL - Doomfire default 300
02.23.20 Zachton icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.23.20 Zodak icon Sun's Golden Orb TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.23.20 Danwise icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 300
02.23.20 Elmindor icon Boneburner's Remains TBL - Doomfire default 1000
02.23.20 Sulo icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.05.20 Senwar icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.05.20 Rexliss icon Minor Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.05.20 Muffinstalker icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 11500
02.05.20 Rexliss icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
02.05.20 Senwar icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 250
02.05.20 Kraq icon Ring of Reparm TBL - Doomfire default 4500
02.05.20 Danwise icon Minor Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
01.26.20 Soulskeeper icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 20000
01.26.20 Soulskeeper icon Tongue of Pyronis TBL - Doomfire default 10000
01.26.20 Soulskeeper icon Protector's Shellcape TBL - Doomfire default 7000
01.26.20 Soulskeeper icon Servant's Mask TBL - Doomfire default 6000
01.26.20 Senwar icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
01.26.20 Ravwolf icon Minor Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 400
01.15.20 Sulo icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
01.15.20 Kleitus icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 13000
01.15.20 Muffinstalker icon Signet of Ralaifin TBL - Doomfire default 9100
01.10.20 Sulo icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 20
01.10.20 Sulo icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 20
01.10.20 Ghubuk icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 13000
01.10.20 Rexliss icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Head Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
01.01.20 Pani icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 400
01.01.20 Soulskeeper icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
01.01.20 Dagmarn icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
01.01.20 Gawayn icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 20000
01.01.20 Lothaire icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 200
01.01.20 Quicksilvers icon Ring of Reparm TBL - Doomfire default 6500
12.27.19 Elmindor icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 400
12.27.19 Rexliss icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
12.27.19 Kleitus icon Black Battleworn Sporran TBL - Doomfire default 500
12.27.19 Holybolt icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 200
12.27.19 Ghubuk icon Ring of Reparm TBL - Doomfire default 5500
12.27.19 Gawayn icon Boneburner's Remains TBL - Doomfire default 1000
12.13.19 Zantex icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 19000
12.13.19 Danwise icon Sun's Golden Orb TBL - Doomfire default 3000
12.13.19 Heppe icon Protector's Shellcape TBL - Doomfire default 2000
12.13.19 Pani icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Arms Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 16000
12.08.19 Haitomi icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
12.08.19 Holybolt icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 900
12.08.19 Pinvarin icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 900
12.08.19 Senwar icon Aegis of Doomfire TBL - Doomfire default 500
12.08.19 Remac icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 18000
12.01.19 Kinafe icon Black Battleworn Sporran TBL - Doomfire default 1000
12.01.19 Haitomi icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
12.01.19 Ravwolf icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Head Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
12.01.19 Haitomi icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 400
11.22.19 Kleitus icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
11.22.19 Pani icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
11.22.19 Ghubuk icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 700
11.22.19 Kagdessar icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
11.22.19 Bandeko icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 24000
11.22.19 Kagdessar icon Protector's Shellcape TBL - Doomfire default 1000
11.13.19 Tazzeraid icon Black Battleworn Sporran TBL - Doomfire default 5000
11.13.19 Pani icon Sun's Golden Orb TBL - Doomfire default 1000
11.13.19 Kinafe icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 28000
11.08.19 Kinafe icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 31000
11.08.19 Remac icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 31000
11.08.19 Holybolt icon Aegis of Doomfire TBL - Doomfire default 300
11.08.19 Kagdessar icon Boneburner's Remains TBL - Doomfire default 3500
11.03.19 Sulo icon Sun's Golden Orb TBL - Doomfire default 10000
11.03.19 Kinafe icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 32000
11.03.19 Xaque icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 32000
10.23.19 Pinvarin icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 500
10.23.19 Danwise icon Minor Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
10.23.19 Danwise icon Protector's Shellcape TBL - Doomfire default 15000
10.23.19 Pinvarin icon Aegis of Doomfire TBL - Doomfire default 200
10.23.19 Danwise icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
10.16.19 Rexliss icon Servant's Mask TBL - Doomfire default 15000
10.16.19 Kinafe icon Tongue of Pyronis TBL - Doomfire default 10000
10.11.19 Tcheals icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 13000
10.11.19 Kagdessar icon Sun's Golden Orb TBL - Doomfire default 20000
10.11.19 Rexliss icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
10.11.19 Danwise icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 5000
10.06.19 Zantex icon Black Battleworn Sporran TBL - Doomfire default 3500
10.06.19 Soulskeeper icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 200
10.06.19 Roth icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 40000
10.06.19 Kinafe icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
10.06.19 Bandeko icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 4000
10.06.19 Zantex icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 1000
10.02.19 Ravwolf icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
10.02.19 Tazzeraid icon Sun's Golden Orb TBL - Doomfire default 20000
10.02.19 Rexliss icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Chest Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 31000
10.02.19 Pani icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 1000
10.02.19 Prickli icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 2000
09.27.19 Zantex icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 34000
09.27.19 Pinvarin icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
09.27.19 Kleitus icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 200
09.27.19 Jaida icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Chest Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
09.27.19 Haitomi icon Greater Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale TBL - Doomfire default 1050
09.27.19 Pinvarin icon Greater Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale TBL - Doomfire default 1200
09.27.19 Haitomi icon Median Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale TBL - Doomfire default 1300
09.27.19 Boxuku icon Median Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale TBL - Doomfire default 1200
09.22.19 Littletroll icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
09.22.19 Kleitus icon Tongue of Pyronis TBL - Doomfire default 10000
09.22.19 Haitomi icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 1000
09.22.19 Haitomi icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 1200
09.22.19 Heppe icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 1500
09.22.19 Kagdessar icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 5000
09.11.19 Haitomi icon Minor Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 600
09.11.19 Pani icon Minor Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 500
09.11.19 Remac icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 31000
09.11.19 Rexliss icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 31000
09.11.19 Bandeko icon Ring of Reparm TBL - Doomfire default 10000
09.11.19 Remac icon Fool's Gold Stein TBL - Doomfire default 12000
09.11.19 Roth icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 300
09.06.19 Remac icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 28000
09.06.19 Xaque icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 28000
09.06.19 Heppe icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 3000
09.06.19 Litnardo icon Lesser Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 3000
09.06.19 Bandeko icon Boneburner's Remains TBL - Doomfire default 11000
09.06.19 Boxuku icon Aegis of Doomfire TBL - Doomfire default 3000
09.06.19 Ravwolf icon Servant's Mask TBL - Doomfire default 20000
09.06.19 Jaida icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Head Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
08.30.19 Prickli icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 1000
08.30.19 Gawayn icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 26000
08.30.19 Kraq icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 11000
08.30.19 Rexliss icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 10000
08.21.19 Jaida icon Boneburner's Remains TBL - Doomfire default 15000
08.21.19 Ghubuk icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 200
08.21.19 Zantex icon Ring of Reparm TBL - Doomfire default 6000
08.21.19 Littletroll icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Wrist Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
08.14.19 Jaida icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Arms Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
08.14.19 Stabm icon Glowing Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
08.14.19 Ravwolf icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Arms Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 25000
08.14.19 Zantex icon Protector's Shellcape TBL - Doomfire default 22000
08.09.19 Jaida icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Legs Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 20000
08.09.19 Roth icon Greater Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 1000
08.09.19 Kagdessar icon Fool's Gold Stein TBL - Doomfire default 18000
08.09.19 Gawayn icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
08.09.19 Jaida icon Servant's Mask TBL - Doomfire default 15000
08.09.19 Rexliss icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 20000
08.04.19 Kraq icon Protector's Shellcape TBL - Doomfire default 30000
08.04.19 Kinafe icon Aegis of Doomfire TBL - Doomfire default 8000
08.04.19 Boxuku icon Sunspear of Ro TBL - Doomfire default 200
08.04.19 Kagdessar icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Feet Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 9000
08.04.19 Jaida icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Hands Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
07.21.19 Roth icon Exultant Inhabited Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 15000
07.21.19 Xaque icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
07.21.19 Tcheals icon Median Spellbound Ring TBL - Doomfire default 200
07.21.19 Roth icon Boneburner's Remains TBL - Doomfire default 15000
07.21.19 Bandeko icon Veiled Victorious Horizon Binding Arms Muhbis TBL - Doomfire default 32000
... 170 entries found


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