• Friday, December 6, 2024 19:18

Item History 16046


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
12.04.24 Item Rotted icon Guardian of the Innocent LS-2: What is it For? default 0
12.04.24 Mortime icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-2: What is it For? default 200
12.04.24 Zittoo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-2: What is it For? default 4000
12.04.24 Dourdenn Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-2: What is it For? default 200
12.04.24 Dragoconus icon Assaulter's Belt LS-2: What is it For? default 200
12.04.24 Dragoconus icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-2: What is it For? default 300
12.04.24 Dragoconus icon Volto of Burning Fronds LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
12.04.24 Dourdenn icon Volto of Burning Fronds LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
12.04.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-3: Final Fugue default 2900
12.04.24 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-3: Final Fugue default 2900
12.04.24 Ravwolf icon Prose Elddar LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
12.04.24 Dragoconus icon Valiant Chest Armor Lining LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
12.04.24 Zittoo icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
12.04.24 Dourdenn icon Unrelenting Bijou of Hope LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 200
12.04.24 Dourdenn icon Unrelenting Bijou of Hope LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 200
12.04.24 Item Rotted icon Spiked Hammer of the Forge LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 0
12.04.24 Item Rotted icon Barbed Morning Star LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 0
12.04.24 Mortime icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 200
12.04.24 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 2500
12.04.24 Bandeko icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 600
12.04.24 Dragoconus icon Valiant Amice Fastener LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 200
12.04.24 Dragoconus icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 200
12.04.24 Dourdenn icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 400
11.22.24 Aumnydaria icon Valiant Essence of Finesse LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 7000
11.22.24 Item Rotted icon Altruistic Choker LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 0
11.22.24 Kinafe icon Shank of Heartbreak LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 200
11.22.24 Nuelawen icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 2000
11.22.24 Willace icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 2000
11.22.24 Item Rotted icon Barbed Morning Star LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 0
11.22.24 Binnen icon Unrelenting Bijou of Hope LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 200
11.22.24 Mortime ALL SPELLS LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 700
11.22.24 Ravwolf icon Valiant Mask Fastener LS-3: Final Fugue default 3000
11.22.24 Isowindors icon Valiant Chest Armor Lining LS-3: Final Fugue default 1000
11.22.24 Willace icon Mark of Worth LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
11.22.24 Willace Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-3: Final Fugue default 400
11.22.24 Binnen icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
11.22.24 Tshuma icon Darga's Loop of Alacrity LS-3: Final Fugue default 6500
11.22.24 Item Rotted icon Poetic Elddar LS-3: Final Fugue default 0
11.22.24 Tyae ALL SPELLS LS-3: Final Fugue default 1000
11.22.24 Item Rotted icon Fortuitous Scepter of Xev Bristlebane LS-1: Bidils the Quickhand default 0
11.22.24 Tshuma icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-1: Bidils the Quickhand default 1500
11.22.24 Tamester icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-1: Bidils the Quickhand default 2000
11.22.24 Ravwolf icon Chalice of Autumn Wine LS-1: Bidils the Quickhand default 200
11.22.24 Binnen icon Chalice of Autumn Wine LS-1: Bidils the Quickhand default 200
11.22.24 Item Rotted icon Spaulders of the Hand LS-1: Bidils the Quickhand default 0
11.22.24 Tshuma ALL SPELLS LS-1: Bidils the Quickhand default 1600
11.22.24 Item Rotted icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 0
11.22.24 Aumnydaria icon Valiant Mask Fastener LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 2000
11.22.24 Isowindors icon Valiant Leg Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
11.22.24 Meredith icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 300
11.22.24 Mortime icon Sprung Fingercuff LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 1000
11.22.24 Hofaith Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 600
11.22.24 Litnardo icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 800
11.22.24 Ravwolf icon Takish Sabre LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.22.24 Ravwolf icon Invictus Warmaker LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 400
11.22.24 Meredith ALL SPELLS LS-1: Return of the Kanghammer default 200
11.20.24 Ravwolf icon Medal of Mettle LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 500
11.20.24 Dourdenn icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 200
11.20.24 Danwise icon Valiant Hand Armor Lining LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 200
11.20.24 Item Rotted icon Stagger-Dagger LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 0
11.20.24 Mortime icon Stagger-Dagger LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 200
11.20.24 Mortime Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 500
11.20.24 Dourdenn icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 200
11.20.24 Isowindors icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-2: The Prisoners of Ankexfen default 2200
11.20.24 Mortime icon Trinket of the Fanatic LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 1000
11.20.24 Alloran icon Trinket of the Fanatic LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 200
11.20.24 Binnen icon Trinket of the Fanatic LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 200
11.20.24 Binnen icon Valiant Necklace Clasp LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 200
11.20.24 Dourdenn icon Valiant Head Armor Lining LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 200
11.20.24 Isowindors icon Valiant Ring Polishing Cloth LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 400
11.20.24 Item Rotted icon Mourning Star LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 0
11.20.24 Tshuma icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 6000
11.20.24 Dourdenn icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Arms Armor LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 200
11.20.24 Mortime icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-2: Shadow of My Shadow default 200
11.20.24 Binnen icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Hands Armor LS-2: What is it For? default 200
11.20.24 Dourdenn icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Head Armor LS-2: What is it For? default 200
11.20.24 Dourdenn icon The Master's Ring LS-2: What is it For? default 200
11.20.24 Binnen icon Assaulter's Belt LS-2: What is it For? default 400
11.20.24 Ravwolf icon Valiant Essence of Power LS-2: What is it For? default 1000
11.20.24 Isowindors icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-2: What is it For? default 200
11.20.24 Isowindors icon Valiant Hand Armor Lining LS-2: What is it For? default 400
11.20.24 Alloran icon Gilded Staff of the Master Magus LS-2: What is it For? default 1000
11.20.24 Litnardo icon Gilded Staff of the Master Magus LS-2: What is it For? default 1000
11.20.24 Heppe icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-2: What is it For? default 2000
11.20.24 Prickli icon Argent Ring of Vigor 25th Anniversary - Inner Turmoil default 200
11.20.24 Binnen icon Sterling Mask of Brilliance 25th Anniversary - Inner Turmoil default 200
11.20.24 Mortime icon Silver Defending Magic of Jubilation 25th Anniversary - Inner Turmoil default 200
11.20.24 Aumnydaria Silver Attacker of Jubilation 25th Anniversary - Inner Turmoil default 800
11.13.24 Danwise icon Volto of Burning Fronds LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
11.13.24 Item Rotted icon Poetic Elddar LS-3: Final Fugue default 0
11.13.24 Ravwolf icon Prose Elddar LS-3: Final Fugue default 500
11.13.24 Ravwolf icon Prose Elddar LS-3: Final Fugue default 500
11.13.24 Hofaith Obscured Heroic Reflections Feet Armor LS-3: Final Fugue default 1000
11.13.24 Isowindors icon Valiant Wrist Armor Lining LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
11.13.24 Kinafe icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Wrist Armor LS-3: Final Fugue default 3000
11.13.24 Mortime icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-3: Final Fugue default 200
11.13.24 Item Rotted icon Spiked Hammer of the Forge LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 0
11.13.24 Isowindors icon Glowing Emblem of the Forge LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 500
11.13.24 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Chest Armor LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 3000
11.13.24 Ravwolf icon Obscured Heroic Reflections Legs Armor LS-3: Heroes Are Forged default 1000


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